Kristina Daurova
Program Director SiberiaDOC IFF

“This year, in order to reflect the diversity and quality of Russian documentary filmmaking, we have made changes by allocating a separate Russian program.

The festival's mission is to promote the genre of creative documentary - author's documentary cinema.

From all over the world, we gather films where the authors share with the audience their personal experiences, their unique connection to the characters and events of the films. Films that not only push the boundaries of cinematic art, but also have distinct visual and dramaturgical qualities. In addition, our festival seeks to preserve and continue the tradition of joint viewing of documentary masterpieces on the big screens of cinemas”.

Photographer: Варвара Цветкова 
Photographer: Варвара Цветкова 
Photographer: Варвара Цветкова 
Photographer: Варвара Цветкова 
Photographer: Варвара Цветкова 

We are at the equator of applications: 49 countries wishing to be included in the programs and 353 films! Russia, France, China, Germany, Yemen, Morocco, Argentina, Iran, Armenia, the Netherlands - our program department has a real journey around the world.

By the middle of the selection process, the team can note - this year a record number of films about the complicated relationship between tradition and modernity have arrived. Filmmakers from all continents of the world show not only the fading of old ways and norms, but also their transformation and interesting adaptation to new challenges. These are vivid images and urgent problems, some of which we hope to show already in December.

SiberiaDOC 2024 IFF Programs:

  1. International Feature-length Program (60 - 180 minutes);
  2. International Short and Mid-length program (10 - 60 minutes);
  3. Russian program (10 - 180 minutes).
    Application is free of charge for authors from Russia.

Conditions of Participation:

  • Only documentaries are eligible to participate;
  • The film must be created no earlier than January 1, 2023;
  • A director can submit no more than 1 film.

More details in the regulations of the festival.

Application Acceptance Period:
May 1 - July 31, 2024

Selection Results:
November 10, 2024