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Country: Spain
Year: 2022
Duration: 1 h 03 min/p>


“Balika” tells the story of Dipendra and Sushmita, two teenagers living in an orphanage in Kathmandu. The protagonists, like all their friends, were abandoned by their families. Both have to make a decision for which they are not prepared. For the first time Sushmita decides to spend her holidays in the orphanage without her family, so that she will be able to study. Dipendra starts out on a journey where he will meet up with his family once more.

Link to the trailer:

December 3, 17:00 - screening of the film "Balika'' directed by Aitor Sánchez Smith, Lander Ibarretxe, (12+). Screening with subtitles.
Place: Dom Kino, large hall, 88 Mira Ave.

December 4, 13:00 - re-screening of "Balika" directed  by Aitor Sánchez Smith, Lander Ibarretxe.. The film is shown in its original language with Russian subtitles.
Place: Dom Kino, art-loft, 88 Mira Ave.

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Aitor Sánchez Smith

Lander Ibarretxe


Aitor Sánchez Smith studied direction and production in the Bande à Part Film School in Barcelona. His first short movie ‘’When The Cicadas Become Silent’’ (2020) has been selected and awarded in over twenty national and international festivals. Recently he has been selected by the Government of Cantabria to attend a course in Observational Documentary Studies in the prestigious Cuban school, Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión in San Antonio de los Baños.

Lander Ibarretxe is a film director and cinematographer who studied in the Barcelona Film School, Bande à Part. As a director, his first short movie ‘’Regina’’ won awards in several festivals such as Málaga, Zinebi or Elche. As director of photography, he has received an award from the Filmstrip International Film Festival in Rumanía for the short movie, ‘’Lotus Eater’’.